Thursday, March 29, 2012

 We had our first camp fire of the season and had a hot dog roast down at the river with Grandma Jake.  It was a lot of fun and Tate loved it.  It was SO nice to get out and enjoy some nice weather.
Tate helping Daddy drive the four wheeler down to the river

Tate is walking along things and crawling all over the place, even up the stairs
Pulling himself up

It has been a struggle trying to feed Tate- he only wants to nurse.  We bought a high chair in an effort to make eating a better experience.  However, he still doesn't want to eat very much. 

Tate relaxed at the dinner table- I love his foot resting on the table- so cute.
Tate's favorite thing is ripping  up paper and tissues.  What a mess, but it is so cute and fun to see him learning.

So this is a terrible picture of me, but I cut my hair.  It was past the bottom of my shoulder blades, but I needed a change.  It is shorter than I planned on, but cute.
Tate loves to play with wipes.  We don't let him play with them if we can help it, but when he gets a hold of them he pulls them out one by one and sorts them into piles. 

They must taste good too, because he always wants to eat them.
My friend has taught me how to crochet, and I really enjoy it.  But I think Tate enjoys pulling out what I crocheted more.

Tate learning to walk while daddy pulls the laundry basket across the floor
Tate helping with laundry
Helping fold
Helping re-fold what has been folded already
Funny face
Caught in the act.  Tate loves to play with real things more than he does toys.  While I am in the kitchen I let him play with cooking utensils
He has also figured out where I store my mixing bowls.
Tate is such a happy boy.  This is probably the last time he has sat in his bouncer since he has moved on to  bigger and better things like crawling and trying to walk.