Wow!!! It has been a while since I last posted, and I must apologize. Life has been busy, and the internet has not been my friend. I would try to post and have it ready, and the internet would wig out on me, so no posts. Hopefully it will work well this time, and you can get the up date from the past year.
Colby is off track right now and started work with the forest service. He really enjoys this job (duh!!! its all riding horses and being in the mountains! his fav thing) He especially loves it right now because he is camping, and the elk are bugaling all around him at night.
So Colby is the BEST husband in the WORLD, and i just love him so much. This day there was a fire out by the INL and the sky was so crazy looking, (I didn't know there was a fire, and thought there was a tornado comming, one of the boys at the apartments heard me and Mel talking about it, and corrected us that if there was a tornado, we would have green sky with egg shaped clouds. Thanks Mr, for claming our fears!)
We took a ride up to the upper lakes with our friends the Cahoons. They are so much fun, and we had a great time. That is except for..... the drama with catching the horses, then getting them in the trailer (the horse i am riding caused trouble, almost stomped Colby in the trailer, ran away, upset the other horses, Colby went to trade horse trailers and the horses were tied to the fence and one of the colts in the corall got his head stuck in the fence and panicked and pulled the fence out of the ground and scared our horses again, we had to catch my horse and Jill (colby's mule) again. FINALLY we were able to get going and had a wonderful time (except I had to ride the wild horse which was scary, so Colby had to lead me the whole times though)
We had some fun times this summer mowing lawns with Dusty and Lanae.
Colby bought this plant for an extra credit project for his botoany class. We named it points. Points has done really well in our apartment (which is surprising because our window in our apartment is like really small) Colby was finally able to re-pot points because it was growing so big and fast.
Sabra and travis took us on a ride up to Warm River Springs, and we had SOOOOO much FUN!!!!
We also went to Mesa falls
And Colby is starting to really enjoy little kids, especially his really cute nieces! (I love watching him the little kids he is so funny because he isn't quite sure how to play with them, but he really wants too.)
Colby was able to do a little antler hinting this year.
I looks like a lot of fun. Wouldn't you say?
I was able to graduate in April with a bachelors in Horticulture with an emphasis in floral design. Shortly after graduation I started working full time at a flower shop.
Colby had some stressful classes and projects too.
I love this picture of Colby with Autumn because he wanted to play with her, but was afraid to get too close.
Now he loves playing with Autumn and isn't afraid to pick her up. It has been good for him to have Dusty and Mel close with Autumn. Hopefully this training with Autumn will help him when we have kids.
After Christmas, Colby couldn't to wait to Snowmobile. He was trying to repair his seat in the house and I walked in the room and found this.....