Saturday, March 26, 2011

Shortly after the last post, Colby and I found out we were expecting.  We were very excited - especially me because I wasn't having any signs of morning sickness.  Life couldn't have been better...That is until    October 11, 2010 at 6:30 A.M, when I suddenly, with no warning had a kidney stone attack.  I was SO sick, and in so much pain, I thought I was dying.  I called Colby who had just barely arrived in Swan Valley and told him to come home Right Now, and take me to the Doctor. (I didn't know why I was so sick--it was definately more than any morning sickness i had ever hear of.) Mean while, as I was waiting for Colby and the Doctor office to open, I called my parents.  They of course were concerned and worried.  There wasn't anything they could do since they were so far away, so they called my sister Susie who was here at school. She came over and rubbed my back and with her healer hands, rubbed the pain of the stone away, and gave great comfort.  Colby then got home and we went to the Doctors, and they told me I had kidney stones and gave me an ultra sound. I was only at 7 weeks.  They were quite worried that the heart beat was not strong enough, and told me I would have a miscarriage, and when I did, to come back in. (I was quite shocked, because at least there was a heart beat and it looked steady to me. We were so excited and to loose it all now would be devastating. And why couldn't this dr lady be more supportive and word that in a kinder way!?!) They scheduled anouther ultra sound for two weeks to see if they would need to do a DC.  (I think that is what it is called).  
I went back to the Doctors office 2 weeks later for the second ultra sound.  I was relieved and happy to see this little guy developing so well.  I knew that I wasn't going to loose him because now I had real morning sickness.  -you know, the throw ups and constant nausia- I loved the ultra sound though because he would kick his little stubby legs and wave his tiny little arms.  It was SO CUTE! CLEARLY this baby was alive and well even at this young stage of 9 weeks.  I told the ultra sound tech that the Doctor thought I would miscarry because of the slow heart beat at 7 weeks.  She was so surprised and said that all babys at 6-7 weeks have a slower heart beat, but usually gets faster by 9-10 weeks.
Towards the end of January we went to our 21st week appointment and found out that we are having a BOY!
 It was so fun to see how well developed he was.  We looked at the brain, and we could see all the different parts developing there.  We could see where his teeth would come in at, and could see his spine.  It was so cool.  Then we looked at the heart, and we could see each of the four chambers beating.  He kept hiding his little hands behind his head, but his feet were so cute with all his little toes ( I love baby feet and I can't wait to kiss those toes.) To determine gender, we of course zoomed in on his bum- and I must say this baby has a very cute bum- Colby was very excited to find out we are having a boy, he expected that we would have a girl first, following family tradition.  When we go home and were looking at the pictures they gave us we were trying to decide who he looked like.  My bet is with the kind of profile he has now- he will look like a George baby with dark hair-
A few weeks ago I went to the doctor becasue our baby hadn't moved for a whole day and a half.  Usually our baby moves throught the day, especially morning and evening, and often wakes me up at night because he is so active.  I was so worried and sick about it.  But, when I layed down on the ulta sound table, guess what?, Baby decided to wake up and give a few kicks.  I was so relieved, but really irritated.  I thought "you couldn't do this at home where it wouldn't have cost $200+ dollars?"  We did another check on all the organs, and heart rate and everything.  It all looked fine.  The ultra sound tech was really nice and then I met with a nurse practitioner. She kind of acted like I was rediculous for comming in, because obviously nothing was wrong.  But to something was different, and I wasn't going to take the chance.  At my previous visit, the Doctor told me that usually when a baby dies in utero that there are warning signs for 2 days before it actually dies.  So after a day and a half of no movement, I was ready to do anything to keep the worst from happening. I love the picture they gave me though.  It looks like he is almost sucking on his thumb.  SO Cute!