This is the Boys room with elk skins on the bed.
This is the root cellar in the boys room.
This is the Loom, a rug is in progress. On certain days of the week, some of the Sister Missionaries get to work at the loom.
THis large Tub is where everyone bathed. The Yolk is what they carried water with. usually the men would bath first, then the women, then the children (oldest to youngest boys before the girls, then the babies. This is where the saying "don't throw the baby out with the bath water" came from because the water would be so dirty by the time the baby had a turn, that you could easily loose the baby in the water. Thanks Goodness for clean running water. What a blessing!
This is the Laundry Room. There are Irons, Soap on the Table, and Yarn Balls made out of Cloth.
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